
Showing posts with the label steganography

Lorraine Braille fonts from Echopraxium - (xibxj)

Download Now Server 1 Download Now Server 3 Download Now Server 2 This is a decorative and steganographic Braille font based on Lorraine Cross pattern. As the Lorraine cross splits space into six areas, it may be used to represent Braille glyphs. Provided Glyphs * Lowercase letters (a..z): a White cross and Black square dots * Uppercasecase letters (A..Z): a Black cross and White square dots * Special characters (e.g. !#$%*+ {}()[]...) * Decorative glyphs (provided in black and white as well) Glyph code intervals - Codes 48..57: Bullets (0..9 digits) - Codes 130..150: 'White Stars' - Codes 192..233: 'Black Stars', Black border glyphs and other black patterns. - Codes 214..233: Border/Decorative glyphs (Black) - Codes 235..255: Border/Decorative glyphs (White) - Codes for Cross w/o dots: Black (192), White (235) - Codes for Cross and 6 dots: Black (191), White (234) - Code for 'Half-width space' (166) Posters 1. Logo: illustrates usage o...